Easy Way to Raise Affilations Fallout 4
There are over a dozen companions for you to recruit in Fallout 4 and even more if you have DLC or mods installed. One of the most complex followers in the base game is Cait, a strong-willed but complicated Irish woman with fists of steel and an addiction to chems.
There's only one method for recruiting Cait as your companion in Fallout 4, and it's important to know how she can aid you in and outside of combat while you're traveling with her. Here's all the information you need to know about Cait.
Cait's Personality

Cait is distinctly different from most other characters in Fallout 4, most notably because she has a strong Irish accent which helps her stand out from the crowd of companions. Although Cait has had a hard life and finds it difficult to trust new people, through dialogue, you can show Cait that you have her best interests at heart and want to help her.
Cait uses chems a lot, and she's developed an addiction around them. If you want a tough companion, then Cait is one of your best options; however, you should know that she won't be too talkative at first, and will take time to open up.
Where To Find Cait And How To Recruit Her

Cait is an easy companion to recruit because she's found fighting in the Combat Zone, which is east of Diamond City, so you can access it regardless of where you are in the main questline. Cait also doesn't have any major affiliation with the four main factions in Fallout 4.
After you've headed east and encountered the raider-infested Combat Zone, you can go inside and defeat all of the hostile raiders that are waiting for you. This fight is somewhat challenging, but if you're playing on a lower difficulty or have another companion with you, such as Codsworth, then you won't have too much trouble.
After defeating the raiders, you can talk to Tommy, and he'll discuss Cait. You'll then have the option to recruit Cait as a permanent companion.
What Weapon Type Does Cait Use?

Unlike a lot of other companions, Cait doesn't have a strong affinity for any weapon type. She uses a double-barrel shotgun and a baseball bat by default, but you can give her other weapons if you want her to use a different weapon type. Despite Cait being an impressive hand-to-hand combat fighter, she doesn't use Unarmed damage to her advantage in combat by default.
If you want to create the strongest version of Cait possible, then you can give her either a powerful melee weapon or a heavy weapon; however, melee weapons are better because she won't need a supply of ammo to use it. Power armor also works well with Cait, similar to other followers in Fallout 4.
What Actions Raise And Lower Your Affinity With Cait?

Most of the companions in Fallout 4 operate by approving or disapproving of your actions throughout the game, including while in dialogue and outside of it.
If you want to raise your affinity level with Cait, then the fastest ways that don't include specific quests are using chems, drinking alcohol, lockpicking, and pickpocketing items from other characters. Cait also likes it when you become addicted to chems.
Bear in mind that Cait will completely change her mind after she stops using chems during her companion quest and will now dislike it if you use chems or gain an addiction.
Cait also has some dislikes, including cannibalism and murder of innocent characters outside of combat.
How To Complete Cait's Unique Companion Quest

When you reach a high-affinity level with Cait, she will ask you to help her cure her addiction to the chem called "Psycho" by bringing her to Vault 95. This vault is found on the south side of the Commonwealth, and a quest marker will be marked on your Pip-Boy map once you've accepted the quest "Benign Intervention".
Vault 95 has special equipment that can help Cait cure her addiction, so once you've reached the inside of Vault 95, follow the quest marker into the Clean Room and help Cait use the device to cure her chem addiction.
After the device has been used, Cait's chem addiction will be gone, and your affinity with her won't be raised anymore if you use chems or gain a new addiction while she's following you. You'll also now be eligible to unlock the Trigger Rush perk once you reach the maximum affinity level with Cait, which is detailed below.
Cait's Companion Perk

Cait's companion perk is one of the strongest perks offered by a follower in Fallout 4. The perk is called Trigger Rush, and in Fallout 4, it says that it grants you 25 percent faster Action Point regeneration if 25 percent or more of your HP is missing.
This in-game perk description is incorrect, and Trigger Rush instead grants you 50 percent faster Action Point regeneration when you have below 25 Action Points.
You can only unlock the Trigger Rush perk if you complete Cait's companion quest "Benign Intervention" and reach the maximum affinity level with Cait.
Does Cait Have Romance Dialogue?

Although not every companion in Fallout 4 has the dialogue to start a relationship with them, Cait is one of the followers that does give you this option. You have to get Cait to enjoy your company before you can discuss the possibility of a romantic relationship with her, so you should follow the affinity guide above to gain reputation with her.
The only thing you gain from starting a relationship with Cait is the Lover's Embrace ability which grants you a temporary +15 percent XP bonus after sleeping in a bed with Cait nearby. Every other follower that has romance dialogue can also grant you this XP boost if you start a relationship with them.
Does Cait Have Unique Location And DLC Dialogue?

Cait is one of the most unique companions in Fallout 4, so luckily, she does have follower dialogue while visiting certain locations and when you make decisions during quests. However, Cait doesn't have any unique dialogue for most of the DLC locations or quests, such as in Far Harbor or Nuka-World.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/fallout-4-cait-recruit-follower-guide-trivia/
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